Monday, April 30, 2018

Steven – Gets even

Steven Gets even

Steven had a serious syndrome
he was certified as fucking insane. In other words not a full schilling.
Steven vowed to put in the grave those that condemned him to a life of mumbling and dribbling out his mouth and swallowing lots of pills to stop him murdering people.
So Steve escaped.

At 4 foot four, and half so wide
he went on a killing spree. His first victim -  a cat. Stroked it to death. The second - a dog. Took it for a 200  kilometre walk till it collapsed from thirst and exhaustion.

Steven was confused in the head. He knew that he was not to blame for his parents  swapping sperm into an ovary egg.
A cliff approached. (he  was walking towards one.) There was the pain relief he desired on the rocks below.
I give up my life for freedom the fucking idiot screamed.

He jumped. Splat.

What a waste of time reading this shite. Or writing it?

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