Monday, December 30, 2019

Bingo – King of the Bongos. Part 20

Bingo – King of the Bongos. Part 20

Edward, was a strange child. Even at birth he screamed and attempted to go back from where he came from. Too late. The hairy door had closed.

At the age of twelve he asked his mother who his father was as strangers traipsed nightly through the door to go upstairs and moan a lot.

At five pound an Uncle, his Mum could pay the rent and feed him.

‘Edward, I do not know who your father is, and help me clean up this sperm I am dripping on the carpet.’

Edward went to school. Learnt a lot in biology lessons and practised them on his teacher, Mrs Virgo. He was not long but quite  thick and could give a good stuffing to any old turkey.

When he turned 19 he was doing well all right. Running a drug run, and owned three whore houses in Soho. But trouble was ahead as he was getting head. Arrested- the charges filled an attic, but he was offered a deal.

Go to the Congo, join Bingo, Tarzan, Tracy,  Poncho, Macho and the Gokwe Kid and rescue Mattress from the evil claws of the fanatical, Buk ‘em Hard.
It was an offer he could not refuse. The alternative was turn up as a headless, bloated corpse floating down the Thames river.

‘Seems like an offer I can’t refuse. However, I want some serious hardcore weapons like you see in the movies.’

A day later he is dropped from a stealth plane, along with a container with enough kill people things to create a massacre.

Bingo – King of the Bongos, greeted him. They rubbed noses. ‘Come brother, we were expecting you. The time has come and… did you bring any cocaine? I could do with a snort. I have a headache.’

Yo Bro, hasta la vista, Tracy hugged Edward. The Gokwe Kid kicked him the testicles in a normal Rhodesian ritual of greeting. Poncho and Macho scratched at their armpits and Tarzan howled out -

Ahhh a Ahh- Ahhh Uga Uga, Eish ahh kumbas.

He was calling the tribe of the Bongos to war.

The reply came back,

Uga Uga, go fuck yourself, we on strike...

Stay tuned as the seven now must take on the formidable force of the fanatical Buk em Hard. But... what is in the container? Or- more importantly how was Mattress coping?

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