Saturday, November 23, 2019

Bingo, King of the Bongos – Part 7

Bingo, King of the Bongos Part 7

Whitechapel, booze lounge, London, Thursday afternoon 2019 in some fucking month, who gives a shit?

Oh I say, old chap, that fucking monkey looks like he will win London Zoo constituency for the Brexit Party. Any idea how we can stop this? Sir Harold Wanksome guzzles a pint of Scotch.

Sir Perceivel Knobrot, parliament represented member for Chillingbones constituency replies -
Stab him in the back, the good old way of us Tsotie Tories , what, what, arf arf.

Oh I agree. Percy, we not want some white nignog ruling the chimps in the zoo. We have enough problems trying to drown brown skins crossing the channel  in dinghies. I suggest a plan to scourge the great island of ours of the smelly curry and sadza eaters on benefits.

Sir Harold Wanksome calls the waiter . Hey kaffir, bring me another bottle of Scotch. You understand you fucking dumb underpaid illegal  migrant?

The kaffir is actually, Henry Radical, a Swedish citizen, a brilliant academic with a PhD  in journalism and working under cover for Al Jeereza, as no one in their right mind trusts the BBC or Sky News. He is videoing the lot. This will be hot stuff and maybe get him to finally get into the pants of the presenter, Veronica  Vaginal

Meanwhile - at the skirts of the jungle, Poncho and Macho have met up with the Mini Mziingi tribe. A tribe of liberal epitaphists, they were soon kicked to their senses and agreed to overrun a camp full of illegal loggers, kill them all, chain saw their heads off, and rape the women, steal the weapons and then take on the so called Buk em in my Harem, fucking ISIS  filthy beards who never use  a deodorant. Whos so called wives, make a kipper blush if it smelt that hairy trap.

It took three days to get that organised, as the Mini Mziingi tribe are a bunch of lazy, corrupt cunts and would rather eat their grandmother than swap her for a pint of monkey milk. But Macho had executed a few of their leaders by using his experience in frontal lobotomy a rock to the forehead repeatedly till they stop repeating ouch, whilst Poncho, still moaning my head hurts,  crated up all the underage girls and freighted them to Kuwait as Help maids. Cool profit.

But outside this crisis, a terrible incident happens in Beijing. Tee Wing Wong was on the way to work. It is 4.30 am. Turning into Chowme nob street, he was run over by a garbage truck driven by a completely drunk driver, Tak Zee Pees.

This was never reported, and no one gives a fucking shit.

Meanwhile. Back in the fucked up last stand of the disengaging bunch of wankers Brexit heads are planning -


The planet is at crisis point. Mattress is still missing. The UK is integrating with illegals.  Can Poncho and Macho rescue Mattress, and then face up to the biggest danger of all
the Donald?

Stay tuned for another exciting episode
sooner or later.

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