Saturday, November 23, 2019

Bingo, King of the Bongos – Part 4.

Bingo, King of the Bongos Part 4.

My head hurts

So Tarzan was King of the Bongos?. Macho attempts to wind up his perpetual motion Rolex.

Bingo smiles, No he was just an ambassador and troop leader. He could never be king as he was English and white.

Pure racism. I hate that. Why cannot people get along with each other and spend all the time making love, but killing Arabs is a good idea as they smell of camel shit. Mattress plays with her well-endowed bosom as she preens in front of a full body mirror, checks her arse cheeks for any slackness. Besides, all that, what was Tarzan and his troops doing. Besides cannibalism, rape, plunder and shagging each other and can you switch off that fucking fog machine. I can hardly see if I have to pluck hairs from my aurora.

Finished? Good. Now Tarzan as a whitey, and English, had to pop back home every three months to claim his benefits. I became the favourite with my deep black skin and a budding giant penis.

Ah, disgusting. Did you fuck chimps and where was Jane? Macho gives Poncho a quick kick as he attempts to take an upskirt photo of his mother. What ya doing you Maldito bastardo sucio? You popped out there and been trying to get in again for years.

My head hurts.

No, I was not screwing any chimps, I left that job to Michael Kackson, as for Jane, she ran off with a Chinaman who owned a lithium mine.
Bingo dug in a nostril pulling out a dried bogey with a tail of green snot. He smiled at it appreciatly, flicked it onto San Pedros bloody face where it stuck. Breathing better By the time I was 14, Tarzan and I were best bum chums. He had brought back a DVD player with the film Brokeback Mountain. By this time our troops were well trained in subterfage and stealing via communication known as sign langzage.

My head hurts.
Sign langzage? What the fuck is that? Besides, that cheap tart is on TV, the one with the funny eyes and no tits. Babbling on about not catching a flight because it makes poison. Macho switches to 3D mode on the TV in a hope to get an up-skirt.

I have an idea. If we go to the Congo, and not bother killing missionaries…’ Mattress explains before being interrupted we could save the poor children digging in the mud for Lithuanian batteries that they use in Apple iPhones.

Bingo had enough for the night. `I tell you the rest later. Now if any of you are going out, please remember the password, otherwise you turn up for breakfast looking like a sieve dripping red.

My heads hurts.

Tracy muses I dont think you should take Poncho with you because his head hurts. Are you taking the Lear Jet?

Macho high fives his sister, Fucking right Copa and Fuck em Blanco, here we COME.

to be continued.

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