Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Panic in Detroit?

Panic in Detroit?

The Bubonic plague in the 14th Century killed an estimated 50 million people. By 1495 Syphilis was a major killer in Europe during the Renaissance with an estimated 5 million dead up to that date. In 1918, Spanish fu killed anywhere between 17 and 100 million people. 2009, Swine flu killed an estimated, between 150k and half a million.

I look at the figures relating to Covid 19 to date. Oh, forget the fact 400,000 plus people died of flu worldwide last year.

The only serious outbreak I have noticed is a social media in hysterical meltdown, happily fuelled with the ‘real’ media, flogging doom and gloom, delighting in watching billions being wiped off stock markets. Which I beg to differ? How can you sell at a loss if no one is buying?

What loss? Someone is doing well. There is no real money involved, just figures on a screen going up and down.

There is no ‘real’ Noble Prize for economics. It is not a science. Hence it was never included by Alfred Noble when he made his list.

It is simply a guessing game based on if people feel good, they spend. If they feel gloomy, they do not. So long as you can spend, credit will flow, firms boom, everyone happy – it’s a Bull rush. Everyone is getting rich except the poor 85% of the population whose only ‘shares’ in global finance is sharing a lollipop.

And then, along comes nothing more than a tricky cold. Pops off a few people, most ready to shuffle off their mortal coil anytime soon. Big deal. Sure, it is tragic.

Brent crude plunges to 35 bucks a barrel. Largest drop since 1991. Quick, hit the fuel pumps. Tank up at huge discount. Hardly. But the cost of a face mask or a bottle of hand disinfectant hits a new time high. Someone is cashing in.

Close schools, run for the hills – we are all doomed. Bust airlines, trash small businesses, politicians have plans but wash their hands from the problem. Only talk shite to appease an angry mob of psyched up social media addicts, thinking that they will rattle their last at any moment and prey for salvation as the Vatican closes its doors and Muslim Holy sites in shut down. Where is the deity now – or is this the work of the devil or Rhodie Tony?

Rumours abound – how did it start, who is ground zero?  We all know AIDS was started when Michael Jackson started to hump that Congo chimp. So perhaps Corona virus was created in a Chinese bacterial warfare laboratory and it got lose - or simply a mutation of influenza adapting to out of date anti-bacteria drugs?

What I do notice – Sales of weapons went up 5% last year worldwide. Does that mean killing people will stop the virus?


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