Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Lazy Pension Repeal Act

The Lazy Pension Repeal Act

I just got a twitter from ex President Obama –wants to know why I cut his pension off.

Look – it is easy. His ‘O bah-bah black sheep ma care’ I couldn’t care less. Get a job and save for when you’re sick.

We need to get Americans back to work. Seemples. It is as simple as that. I am a business man. You follow rules. Flog a horse within five hours of its imminent death - give it an apple and it will double the hours before it shifts off its mortal coil.

And so I cancelled Barrack HUSSEIN Obama’s pension. Let us face it. He is black, still in his mid ‘50s, I do not care – but he needs to go back to work. No quick pensions for the lazy.

I got a large cotton plantation down in Milwaukee, which is run by my son. He said he would be proud to have a cotton picker like Barack working with the peasants. He reckons his oratory would really fire them up to work harder.

I agreed.

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