Thursday, April 10, 2008

Olympic Torch arrives in Zimbabwe

Confusion reigns in Zimbabwe after the police accidentally mixed up an Olympic torch bearer with Pro-Tibet demonstrators. Police Commissioner Corrupt Ncube, at a hastily convened press conference said -

‘Aah, the person beaten looked like he was setting fire to a rolled up election poster depicting our esteemed President. He also had a Chinese made flip-flop on one foot making out that he could catch the security forces on the hop. So as such he got what he deserved. Anyway, we do not tolerate any form of Tibetans and other cretins in Zimbabwe.’

A short footage of the incident was made by an undercover BBC reporter using his mobile phone. He managed to send it before he was accidentally shot whilst trying to interview the only remaining person who admitted voting for the MDC.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what happened with south africa sucks. Why was the blog removed?