Sunday, May 13, 2018

She Sells Sea Shells on the Sea Shore.

She Sells Sea Shells on the Sea Shore.

A short history of Denise, going self-employed.
It was November 1987.

The coldest winter known to man, when Denise,
bigot the idea to sell Sea Shells on the Sea Shore which was a bit odd because the stand where she intended to sell the sea shells from the sea shore was based 200 kilometres east of Timbuktu.

In the middle of the fucking desert?

Luckily, DHS could supply her using drones.

Then – on the 30th of February  2016,  she opened her shop to huge acclaim by the press of one. Her FB live streaming via satellite.

At 6.00pm on the same day, with not one customer, she closed shop and sell up.

Which is a lie. She just torched the hut and ran off with a Bedouin.

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